The Internet of Things ... the next huge wave of evolution. The industrialization in the early 19th century was a milestone. The development of the Internet in the 1970s and '80s another milestone which changed our lives again. But today we are on the threshold of even more fundamental changes of our lives.
Internet, websites, smartphones, SMS, email - are indispensable and the development continues ...
IoT or M2M will further change our lives. When machinery talks with each other, when work processes are controlled automatically, cars are driving independently, then we can see where we are moving.
Is this new? No. Data have always been collected, transferred, evaluated and used. But with technologies available today, workflows can be revolutionary reorganized and controlled. Even complete new business fundamential will develop. The service towards the customer will be redesigned. Pay as you Drive, User based insurence, ... new businesses incur.
We can help you to develop your personal strategy in IoT. I have been for more then 10 years in this environment. Today we got all the technologies and solutions available, so that we can offer any company in any industry a tailored solution. Do not miss the train.
Increase yourbusiness with a realignment of your product portfolio and services through the Power of IoT.